Sharing Fibertech’s Why Through Video

The Challenge

Fibertech Inc. was looking for a way to improve their branding and stand out from their competition while also creating a tool to utilize in their sales process.  We also produced a recruitment video for them to utilize on social media, during job fairs, and through recruitment email marketing.

The Campaign

Working closely with the Fibertech team, we found out that their relationships and ability innovate is what makes their company different.  We decided on a video campaign including an overall branding video, a  rotational molding sales video, and a recruitment video.  View the branding and recruitment videos below.  According to Fibertech, the branding video has helped them land meetings and effectively explain their business to prospects who may not know what they do.  The recruitment video has helped them convey what it is like working at Fibertech through the means of emotional storytelling and employee testimonials.

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