Video for B2B Manufacturing Videos

In the B2B world, many companies might think that video isn’t useful. But we’re here to argue that video might be more powerful in B2B than in B2C. Why? Because the sales process often needs more nurturing, it’s more complicated, and it’s a longer process. And in B2B manufacturing, the reasons above are even more true. How can B2B manufacturers better use videos to improve sales? There are many areas to utilize the power of video in manufacturing, but here are four that we have found to be extremely beneficial.

Videos in Sales Meetings

We’ve talked about video as a sales tool here. But in B2B manufacturing, we have learned that using video during sales meetings helps keep attendants engaged and, if using the right types of videos, you’ll leave them with wanting more. They’ll be excited to get started and have a sense that your company is the right company to work with. You can also use videos during sales meetings to showcase capacity of your facilities, capabilities, and a preview of what it might be like to work with your team.  

Videos in Email Marketing

We are big believers in using video to help nurture leads through email. You can read some of our general tips about the power of video in email here. For B2B manufacturers, you can take it one step further. We’re all about humanizing and making a personal connection with your customers. Since a lot of B2B manufacturers we work with believe in relationship selling, we believe video is the best way to help build that relationship when you can’t actively be in the same place as someone. You can use videos in your email marketing to give a personal touch to your emails. Another powerful series of videos in email marketing for B2B manufacturers include case studies and testimonials. When a potential lead asks “how has this worked with past companies you’ve done work for” you can shoot them over a short case study video working within their industry to showcase the results and solutions you have provided in the past. 

Videos at Conferences

With conferences and conventions starting to ramp back up, these are great events where your ideal clients will be in the “inspire me” business mindset. We have seen success with video backgrounds on a big screen that help a booth standout. If you’re able to have audio at your booth, having testimonials and a business film about who you are can help introduce more of your team, products, and services to those attending the conference. And then finally, there is the recap video for conferences and events. If your business is the one hosting the conference, a great way to get more out of the conference is to produce and share a short recap video showing the fun and emotion exhibited at the event. You can then utilize this video on social media or for future ads promoting the conference. 

Video in Recruiting

Many manufacturers understand that providing a great product begins with having a great team. Recruitment video campaigns are a great way to convey your companies culture. When someone thinks of a B2B manufacturing recruitment video campaign, they may think of one video where employees talk about the pay and benefits. But we have found focusing on individual stories and how their workplace has enabled them to grow tend to do even better. Yes, we believe that a strong recruitment video is important, but we also have produced on-going employee spotlight videos that help connect employees with the community while also keeping your business at top-of-mind for prospective team members. 

When it comes down to it, if you’re a manufacturing company looking to differentiate yourself, video can help do that. The true power of video resides in story. Being able to connect with other businesses (and more importantly, the people who work at those other businesses) on an emotional and more personal level will help your team as they build relationships with these other businesses. Getting top talent for your facilities is also very important. If your team members take pride in what they do, enjoy the team they work with, and have passion for your company and what you’re manufacturing, then video might be a great way to showcase all of that, too.

If you’re a manufacturing company looking to get into video on a more consistent basis, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Or view our monthly video plans at

Want to Learn More?

We’re always open to chat about anything marketing, video production, or digital strategy! We’d love to talk!