Our Top 5
Super Bowl 57 Ads

It’s the week after the Super Bowl so, naturally, it’s time for our annual Favorite Super Bowl Ads article. The game itself was great. A 3 point comeback victory basically sells itself. But we’re not here to recap the game. We want to recap something of far more value (at least to us and our readers). Let’s break down our top 5 Super Bowl ads from 2023. There were quite a few different ads we could go with, but 5 really stood out. And between those 5, the top 3 are pretty much interchangeable in our eyes. Take a quick read as we break down why we think the ads worked, the interesting production aspects of each spot, and how your brand can learn from the ads for your own marketing videos.

5. Bud Light Hold | Easy to Enjoy

The Bud Light Hold ad slides into our top 5 due to simplicity and relatability. A good ad takes a simple idea and relates it to the viewers. We all know how boring being on-hold can be. But Bud Light uses the in-between moment of making the mundane into a spontaneous dance party between Mr. Teller and his wife, Keleigh. Why did this ad stand out to me? Although we typically don’t dance to on-hold music, my wife and I do like to have random dance moments with our two sons and they often start in a similar way as this commercial.

From a production stand point, Bud Light did a great job with an eye-catching opening shot of the phone on Keleigh’s head with a long Customer Service on-hold time. Their use of sound effects when opening the fridge really helped cut into the white noise of a commercial break. The rest of the shots are a great mix of detail shots, jump cuts, and reaction shots that really make the spot feel homey.

What can brands learn from the Bud Light Hold Ad?

The main takeaway from the Bud Light Hold ad for smaller brands is to keep messaging simple and connect with your viewers. Of course, featuring your product is important, but being simple and relating to your customers is more important.  

4. "Premature Electrification" | Ram Trucks

Number 4 on our list is Premature Electrification by Ram Trucks. I think we all can agree, funny commercials tend to do well for brands during the Super Bowl. This is the only “funny” commercial we have on our list, but it definitely stood out. Ram took the main concern of buying an electric vehicle, the range they get on a charge, and mirrored a very different style ad to combat those concerns. Anytime you can use puns and similarities from stereotypical drug ads for selling a car, you’re probably going to get a few laughs. I loved the way they included “real” testimonials in the ad to make it feel more like the “other style” ad and less like a Ram ad.

Like most big game ads, the production value was on point including the fact that they didn’t do a high speed, quick cut car ad like most vehicle ads these days. Instead they made it a humor style ad with a spokesperson, using a natural lighting look and hand-held interviews to make the ad even funnier.

What can brands learn from the Ram Premature Electrification Ad?

Brands can take quite a bit a way from this ad, but they can mainly learn to not be afraid to go against the norm and hover on the risky side when it comes to humor.

3. Be Childlike | He Gets Us

The He Gets Us ads have been popping up during sporting events all year. During the Super Bowl, they actually ran two ads and one could argue that the second ad was more impactful than the first. I chose to break down the first ad due to it’s relatability for me and my family. As adults, we often forget what it’s like to see the world from a child’s point of view. This ad uses simple photos to remind us that we weren’t created to always act like adults. He Gets Us ads also do a great job with music. Music can make or break a commercial since music creates the feeling of an ad. I believe the music in this ad and in the second ad really help these spots shine.

The production value of this ad is simple. It uses storytelling, user-generated-content, music, and simple graphics to create an emotionally appealing ad.

What can brands learn from the He Gets Us Be Child Like Ad?

I’ve already mentioned the production value and the music. But I want to reiterate that brands can have inspiring videos by using user-generated-content and emotional music without breaking the bank. All it takes is to be creative and really think through what will resonate with your audience. 

2. WeatherTech Big Game 2023: We All Win

The first ad that really stood out to me was the WeatherTech We All Win ad. With Captivated Content’s work with industrial and manufacturing companies, we live and breath businesses that want to build something great right here in the US. And it’s true, when you buy something made in America, we all win. But more than that, the ad used great storytelling to keep our attention while also having us wonder “who is this ad about?”

The production uses great lighting and framing along with a strong opening script that really grabs the viewers attention. Then they use either stock footage or user-generated-content to make the spot seem more real. And finally, by showing quick cuts of their products in use, you learn more about all the products that WeatherTech makes for your every day life (like a dog bowl holder?)

What can brands learn from the WeatherTech We All Win Ad?

WeatherTech teaches brands that you can be proud of your company and there is nothing wrong with showcasing that pride in your advertising. There is also nothing wrong with showcasing your people along with your products. A company is only as great as the people behind it.  

1. Forever (Super Bowl) :60 | The Farmer's Dog

The only ad that made me pause, rewind, and show my wife was the Forever – The Farmer’s Dog Ad. Maybe it’s our mutual love for our pup, but dog ads always get me. I’m also a sucker for emotionally charged ads. Dogs are man’s best friend and we often don’t realize how important of a role they play in our lives. This ad does a great job showcasing a pup’s journey with it’s human. But what it does best is tug at it’s target audience’s (dog lovers like myself and my wife) heartstrings. Watch this commercial online and read the comments. We weren’t the only ones that got a little teary eyed when watching this commercial.

The production quality for this spot was top notch. I loved the way they started with an on-camera soundbite of the main character whispering “I’ll always take care of you” and then go right into the music intro’s first beat. Speaking of music, their use of Forever by Lee Fields is a perfect fit and really moves the spot from life moment to life moment. And by having the actress sing the song at the end before using a quick sound effect to show life from the pup’s point of view, the whole commercial really ties together nicely. For those who aren’t always sure what makes a great commercial look great, I’ll try to open the curtain a bit. Throughout this spot, they use fast camera movement when the main characters were young, giving us all a sense of childlike and puppylike energy. They slow the shots down during the feeding scene to emphasize the food. They filmed a lot of the shots from behind the subjects which made us viewers feel like we were there in those moments with them. This spot has great feel and amazing storytelling.

What can brands learn from the Farmer’s Dog Forever Ad?

This is the first time I’ve heard of the Farmer’s Dog. And boy did they make a splash. As brands, we can learn that knowing your audience when it comes to your marketing is the most important part of pre-production. This ad speaks directly to dog lovers. This ad makes dog lovers think about the food they are providing their furry friends. This ad relates to viewers. 

Why Learn from the Big Game Ads?

Each year, brands start to create more content. Most of this content is being shared online. Although the Super Bowl’s viewership has gone down, it’s still a great place to learn about potential trends when it comes to advertising. From a storytelling standpoint, brands can learn from the way the mass audience reacts. What were your favorite ads from this year’s Super Bowl?

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